Each individual session is different. Once we have established what each person needs, then an appropriate treatment will be put in place. It might be we include a variety of treatments in one session, it completely depends on the individual and what works best for them at that time.
Myofascial release
This is the collagen elastin connective tissue that surrounds all of your organs and muscles. On some people this can become so restricted, it effects their range of movement and can be responsible for pain and dysfunction of the muscles. Gently "unsnagging" this tissue can make an incredible difference to your pain levels and muscular capability.
Getting on the correct path to regaining strength and movement is absolute key to rehabilitation. Each injury is different along with its severity and the knock on effect. Giving someone control of their improvement not only gets them back on track physically but mentally aswell. It might be hard work, but the benefits of proper rehab are without a doubt worth it.
Trigger point Therapy
What is a trigger point or a knot? By definition " a small locus of tender muscle tissue that has gone into involuntary contraction". These can be horribly uncomfortable and can restrict movement that can cause a knock on effect to how we use our bodies or hold ourselves. Having these trigger points released can give you almost instant relief and assist in regaining the function you had lost.
Advanced Clinical and Sports Massage
This is using a variety of techniques to encourage blood flow, muscle length, tension release, improved recovery along with many, many others. A regular massage can also pick up potential issues before they turn problematic, or help treat a problem if it has occured. Years of training goes into this discipline, which is reflected by the treatment.
Sports Therapy
Whilst this sounds to be aimed at the more athletic amongst us, sports therapy is used as a way to get the best out of your body. It uses sports and exercise to help performance, preparation and injury prevention.
Soft Tissue Release
A method of stretching that gains strength to the antagonist and length to the agonist muscle. A fast pace technique that many swear by.
Orthopeadic Assessment
A full review of your joints, muscles and ligaments. Sometimes requested by team managers to identify imbalances or a candidates suitability for the team. Its good to know what state of health your skeletal musculature system is in.
Dry Needling
Using needles as small as 0.3mm to help release problematic muscle tissue. Helps stimulate the healing crisis in your body to speed up recovery.
Taping and Strapping
Perhaps kinesiology tape is best suited to your needs and sworn by from elite athletes to those finding daily tasks an uncomfortable chore, or sometimes tape or strapping is used to prevent mobility is a certain plane of motion whilst the body regains strength and heals.
Kinetic chain function testing
Muscles need to fire in a particular order to perform the task we ask our bodies to endure. Some of us deviate from that firing pattern and use our bodies in a different way, and whilst this is helpful to allow us to keep functioning, the body can only maintain this strain for so long until it objects.
Muscle Energy Technique
An incredibly effective method of encouraging overactive muscles to "switch off" and getting the weak muscles to "switch back on".
Kinetic Chain Release
A protocol of joint mobilisations and stretches developed by Hugh Gilbert to help regain the natural balance in the bodies structures.
Hot Stones and Hot Bamboo
Thermal treatment is often used to help blood flow and to help soften and relax overactive muscles. A very effective method to work deeper into the tissues.